Figure 3

Antiviral activity of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves ethanolic extract on herpes viruses infection

Mahmoud Huleihel* and Aya Abu-Jafar

Published: 13 October, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-009


Figure 3:

Effect of the treatment time with Ec 80%-MeOH fraction on herpes viruses' infection. Vero cells were infected with 1 m.o.i. of the herpes viruses and treated with 5µg/ml of Ec 80%-MeOH fraction for different periods of time as follow: only for 2h before infection, only during infection, only p.i. or during and p.i. up to the end of the experiment. Furthermore, 104 PFU of the appropriate virus particles were pre-incubated with 10µg/ml of Ec 80%-MeOH fraction at 22°C for 30 min. Then these mixtures were diluted 104 fold with fresh medium and cell monolayers were infected with the diluted mixture. PFU of the treated cultures are presented as a percentage of the positive control. Values are means±SD (n=3).

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